Rosehip oil – also known as rosehip seed oil—is a pressed seed oil that has been valued since ancient times for its many healing properties, which makes it especially helpful for those with sensitive skin. “Rosehip oil is derived from the small fruit that sits beneath the rose,” says Zeichner. “It is a popular ingredient in skincare right now for its hydrating and anti-aging benefits.” Rosehip oil has a host of benefits (more on those, below) but it is first and foremost an ultra-effective emollient and moisturizer: “With high levels of essential fatty acids, especially omega-3 (linolenic acid) and omega-6 (linoleic acid), rosehip seed oil can effectively soften skin and improve skin barrier function,” says Plescia. “Although seemingly counterintuitive as an oil and sometimes thought to be not suitable for oily/breakout-prone skin, rosehip seed oil can be an ideal natural oil for blemished skin.” Rosehip oil’s high concentration of omega-6 fatty acids (also known as linoleic acid) may be particularly helpful for those suffering from acne. Studies have found that linoleic acid deficiency is linked to development of acne. According to Plescia, linoleic acid also helps to treat hyperpigmentation.